Association between concurrence of multiple risk factors and under-5 mortality: a pooled analysis of data from Demographic and Health Survey in 61 low-and-middle-income countries

- Kong, Yuhao; Chen, Shaoru; Cheng, Feng; Wang, Dongqing; Zemene, Melkamu Aderajew; Gatimu, Samwel Maina; Khan, Nuruzzaman; Rahman, Ashfikur; Fekadu, Lelisa; Shibre, Gebretsadik; Rahmartani, Lhrui Dwianti; Aheto, Justice Moses K.; Ma, Ning; Geldsetzer, P; Li, Z; Chen, Zekun; Karoli, Peter; Niyi, John Lapah; Fan, Pengyang; Fink, Günther; Kwete, Xiaoxiao Jiang; Wehrmeister, Fernando C.